Posted in Uncategorized on November 22, 2008 by idojewellery

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Our Happy Married Couple with iDo Wedding Ring

Posted in Valuable Customers on November 11, 2008 by idojewellery
Michael & Laney








Jeff & Jing Jing








Joan Tan & Hubby     








 Lam Siew Mun & Yee Chyng








 Steven & Lay San








Eng Chien & Lovely Wife








 Leo & Else Janse (Holland)








Yulie (Perth, Australia)








Yvonne Loh

There are lots more customers, but sadly i still don’t have their picture. Send me your picture if you have purchased anything from me. Hehehe.. Thanks!

Earring Collection

Posted in My Product Item on November 10, 2008 by idojewellery

Hairstyle Vs Earring

Posted in Jewellery and Body Shape Guide on November 6, 2008 by idojewellery
There’s nothing that gives your face a quicker lift than a great pair of earrings. If you have long, medium, or short hair, do pay attention to your earrings. As always, do your homework, and know your own facial shape, and what hair styles look good on you.
I have a section about your facial shape and jewellery in this blog.

Lady with SHORT HAIR:
If you have a short hair, earrings are every bit as important as the clothing you put on your body. Your earlobes are exposed for all the world to see and you want them to be appropriately dressed. When you choose an outfit to put on in the morning, take as much care selecting your earrings as you do your top or shoes. Short haired people can appear a bit “naked” without a little ear adornment.

Let Go of Old Fashion Dictates!

Dismiss the idea that you need to wear small earrings if you have shorter hair. You can wear all types of earrings with short hair from subtle gemstone post earrings to long, sparkly dangles. It really all depends on your mood, the occasion, and your outfit. You’re lucky! A long dangle style can look quite dramatic when worn with an elegant dress to a party. By keeping the rest of your jewelry and outfit simple, even dramatic earrings won’t look overdone.Wearing a fashionable pair of earrings takes on even greater importance if you happen to have short hair. Have the widest range of earring selection. From the simplest diamond stud, to the most outrageous hoops, women with short hair can get away with just about any style. Just remember to take the rest of your outfit into consideration before selecting a style. If your outfit is complicated or especially flashy, choose a simpler earring style. You’ll look your best when you don’t have multiple elements competing for attention.

Hoop Earring

Button Earring

Long Dangle Earring

If your hair is medium-length, you will want to exercise caution in selecting hoop-style earrings. This style of earring tends to add weight and curves to your face, so those with round faces will want to be especially selective. If you choose to wear hoop earrings, select styles that have an oval shape and are crafted from a light material.

Lady with LONG HAIR:
Girls with long hair, you can really show off your ears with style and panache. There’s no hiding those earlobes behind a mop of stringing hair or getting your earrings caught in the hairbrush as you style your long hair. You have the advantage of being able to show the world what a great earring collection you have. Choosing hoops that come in square or rectangular styles is another way to add dimension to round faces paired with long hair.


Long Dangle Earring

Also important to consider is the balance between your earrings and other jewelry. Too much jewelry can look gaudy, but too little can appear casual and uninspired. If you plan on wearing one piece of big, highly distinctive jewelry, forgo wearing any other jewelry. For instance, if you’re wearing large, flashy earrings then skip wearing a necklace and bracelet. If your necklace is a particularly bold piece, leave your ears bare. Check yourself in a mirror when you are done accessorizing and make sure that jewelry pieces do not appear too cluttered or chaotic.

Earrings can play a large role in appearance. They can draw attention to your face or your hair, or they can draw attention away from less desirable aspects that you want to disguise. When accessorizing, think about how the different elements of your appearance impact other aspects of your look. Consider how you want to look and the message you want to convey with your appearance. Check your look in a full-length mirror to ensure you’ve achieved your desired style goal.

Solitaire Diamond Ring

Posted in My Product Item on November 3, 2008 by idojewellery
Despite the many designs, settings and styles available, diamond solitaire engagement rings remain bride-to-best most timeless and popular choice. While it may seem deceptively simple, a diamond solitaire can still be a unique ring designed to suite any tastes!
RS 020
RS 049
RS 068

What is Diamond Solitaire Ring?
Solitaire means One. This means the ring has one simple diamond, without side stones, accent stones, or other gem embellishments. Solitaire rings need not be dull or plain, however, and for many women, the simple elegance of a single, sparkling stone is the ultimate symbol of the single love that two people share.

RS 074

RS 081

RS 094

How big should your Diamond be?
Probably you may seem that in order to have a ring using a single diamond, the stone must be larger than average. Not to worry! There are many alternatives to choosing a larger stone, however, that highlight the characteristics of the ring rather than the sheer size of the diamond.
Band Size:
A smaller stone paired with a thinner band helps emphasize the diamond and produces a delicate solitaire ring, perfect for slender fingers.

RS 095

The band can be 2 tones or etched to add intricacy and depth, or it can be given an unusual shape such as a wave or curve that draws attention to the ring as a whole rather than just the diamond.

RS 096

RS 097

RS 100
Shapes of Solitaires:
While the most popular shape is the round, there are many other diamond shapes that can create a beautiful ring without additional stones. Marquise, pear, emerald, and oval-shaped stones all elongate the diamond and appear larger than they may be. A single heart or trillium-shaped stone is distinctive and eye-catching for its uniqueness, minimizing the importance of the stone’s size while the eye focuses on the shape.
RS 104

RS 109

RS 110
(Bezel Setting)

RS 112
There are many choices for engagement ring settings, and while a solitaire ring is by definition excluded from the multiple-setting category, it is not limited to commonplace options. The most popular is the prong setting, but the size and number of the prongs can vary to highlight the best features of the stone. Bezel, flush, tension, and arched settings are all appropriate choices. Because there is only one stone, however, channel settings are not recommended as they will obscure the best qualities of the diamond.
RS 113
(Tension Setting)

RS 114

RS 115

RS 116
Solitaire Quality:
The focus of diamond solitaire rings, however, is one brilliant gem. Therefore, you have to familiarise with the 4C’s (Carat, Cut, Color and Cutting).
RS 117

RS 118

RS 119